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MCT Powder vs. MCT Oil — Which One Should You Choose?

Are you in doubt between buying an MCT oil or an MCT Powder? Learn about the differences to make the best choice for your needs.

What are MCTs? | How is MCT Powder made? | MCT Oil vs Powder | How to look for good quality MCT supplements | How to use a MCT Powder | Conclusion

What are MCTs?

MCT fatty acids are converted into energy in the body. Long-chain fatty acids are converted into energy more slowly. This means that the shorter the chain, the better, but only up to a point. So the amount of MCTs determines how quickly your body can absorb them and convert them into ketone production (think: energy).

A brief ranking of MCTs based on how many ketones the body produces with them:

  • C6: Capronic acid (not found much in coconut oil): is converted to ketones very quickly, but is poorly tolerated by the intestines. C6 is found in poorly purified MCT oils and is likely to cause problems when ingested. C6 does not seem to taste good, which alone is a good reason to avoid it.

  • C8: Octanoic Acid: Well tolerated by the intestines and is quickly converted to ketones. About 6% of coconut oil is C8. It has no flavour itself but can enhance other flavours.

  • C10: Decanoic Acid: Is tolerated after a period of habituation, so don't run out of steam (think: an acute toilet visit)! It is less likely to be converted to ketones than C8, but still pretty good. About 9% of coconut oil is C10. Like C8, it has no flavour of its own, but may act as a flavour enhancer.

  • C12: Lauric Acid: C12 has a "medium" length, but does not behave like an MCT in the body. It converts to ketones about as slow as longer non-MCT fats. C12 has other benefits, such as anti-microbial properties. C12 just doesn't help make ketones very much. About 50% of coconut oil is made up of lauric acid.

The C represents the number of carbon atoms in the fat, so C8 has 8 carbon atoms.

How is MCT powder made?

MCT powder is made from C8 MCT oil using a process called spray drying. Manufacturers use specialized industrial equipment to bind MCT oil to a microscopic fibrous carrier powder (in NoordCode's version, this is acacia fibre), which converts the liquid MCTs into a solid, powdered form.

The two components are mixed together and reduced to powder during spray drying. The end result is a dietary supplement with all the benefits of MCT oil that is portable, easy to mix into smoothies and other beverages, and suitable for use in (baking) recipes.

MCT Oil vs MCT Powder

While MCT oils and powders offer the same benefits, every type of MCT supplement has pros and cons.

Disaster pants

An overconsumption of MCT oil can lead to high distress, but also to nausea and stomach complaints. An MCT powder is easier to tolerate and, therefore, recommended for people who have previously experimented with the oil form and experienced discomfort.


A (glass) bottle of MCT oil can still leak and is heavy, making it less easy to export. Some brands have travel packs, but a jar of MCT powder is more durable and just as easy to take with you on a trip or to the office.

Texture and blending

Adding MCTs to coffee or other beverages is a great way to boost fat intake and satisfy hunger. But, MCT oil mixes poorly and gives a greasy result. The powder forms blend much easier and gives a creamy texture as a final result.


Studies on MCT powders and their effects are still scarce because this is a relatively new product on the market. However, a 2017 study showed that an emulsified MCT powder supplement is more ketogenic and has fewer side effects than conventional MCT oil. [1]


How do you pick a quality MCT supplement?

Whether you choose oil or powder, choosing a quality MCT supplement is essential.

Low quality MCT powders often use starch or other fillers. As a result, they work counterproductively; they raise your blood sugar, negatively affect your energy levels, cause digestive problems, and block the production of ketones - which is probably why you use MCTs (and in powder form).

MCT oil itself does not contain fillers, but it can be cheap and poorly manufactured. Low-quality MCTs are often produced at high temperatures and, therefore, damaged.

There are a number of criteria that a quality MCT powder supplement must meet. Include them in your search and don't just buy anything until you have checked off the following points. High-quality MCTs:

  • Are made from 100% coconut oil. Palm oil or a mixture of coconut oil and palm oil are no-go's

  • Contain only caprylic acid (C8) and capric acid (C10)

  • Are carefully processed at low temperatures to preserve the nutritional value and enzymatic properties of the oils

  • Are formulated without corn fibre or maltodextrin-based carriers, and use natural, fibre-based carriers (acacia fiber) instead

  • Do not contain emulsifiers, preservatives, thickeners, colouring agents or additives

  • Use healthy ingredients for added flavour (like coconut powder)

Besides natural ingredients to add flavour, only two ingredients should be listed on the label: medium-chain triglycerides and a carrier (preferably acacia fibre).


How to apply MCT Powder in your daily routine

Want to know how to apply MCT Powder to your daily routine? We will give you some ideas.

  • In beverages: a scoop of MCT powder in your coffee, tea, juice or smoothie gives you satiety and adds a creamy texture. You'll find some unique Bulletproof Coffee recipes here.

  • In meals: you can add MCT powder to meals. Not to top your steak with, but a stew or soup will do. The powder is heat resistant up to 180 degrees, tasteless and acts as a thickener.

  • In baked goods: because the powder is heat resistant, it is an excellent ingredient for keto treats.

  • During fasting: strict fasting does not allow calories - some argue that even tea and black coffee is not allowed - but with a mild form of fasting you can use a teaspoon of MCT powder or oil to increase ketone production, suppress your appetite and thus prolong fasting.

  • Pre- and post-workout: MCT powder acts as a great pre-workout supplement. It improves focus during the workout and enhances physical performance. You can add it to a protein smoothie or mix it with water or other beverages pre-workout, or use it after a workout to stimulate recovery.



Whether you go for a powder or an oil, both give you the benefits. An MCT powder has a creamy taste, is easier to travel or use in the office, and you'll most likely avoid disaster pants. The downside is that a powder form is more expensive than an oil and all the research into the health benefits has been done with an oil. Whatever you choose, always go for high quality.


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