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Whey Protein: Product claims exposed

There are more providers of whey protein entering the market. Everyone claims to have the best. The latest hype? 'Cold-swirled', raw whey protein. Are these claims true? We investigated.

Claim 1: Cold-swirled Whey Protein Powder

The term ‘cold-swirled' is actually only used in beekeeping. It refers to honey that is processed without heating, so that enzymes and vitamins are preserved. For dairy, such as whey, this term does not apply. Providers who use this term are therefore spreading nonsense.

Claim 2: Raw Whey Protein Powder

Why is raw whey protein powder interesting?

Raw whey protein is popular thanks to studies from the late 20th century (Bounous et al.). The studies show that processing can affect the valuable substances in whey. 

We all know that breast milk is healthy for a baby. Raw whey has similar properties. In addition to protein, fat, and carbohydrates, it also contains bioactive substances such as cysteine, lactoferrin, and immunoglobulins. Non-raw whey has fewer of these bioactive substances. 

When is whey protein powder raw?

Raw whey protein powder is made from unpasteurized milk. The whey is separated at low temperatures up to 42 degrees and then micro- or ultra-filtered. Micro- or ultrafiltration uses pressure instead of heat, so the whey is still raw at that point. The still liquid whey must then be converted into a powder. To keep the final product raw, this can only be done through freeze-drying or vacuum drying. The most common method, spray drying, requires heating, which pasteurizes the whey and it is no longer raw.  

Providers who do not explicitly mention all the steps in the process are misleading you if they call their whey powder raw.  

Through microfiltration, you get raw whey protein powder  

By now you know that micro- or ultrafiltration is just one step in making raw whey protein powder. Whether the final product is still raw depends on how the liquid whey is converted into powder. Micro- or ultrafiltration as proof of raw whey protein powder is therefore nonsense.  

What comes closest to raw whey protein powder?  

Providers of raw whey protein powder are hard to find. What is your alternative if you want to retain as many bioactive substances such as cysteine, lactoferrin, and immunoglobulins in your whey as possible? That would be whey protein concentrate that has been briefly pasteurized at the lowest possible temperature. 

Concentrate because it is the least processed form of whey and therefore preferred over isolate or hydrolysate. Furthermore, the pasteurization temperature and duration affect the amount of cysteine, lactoferrin, and immunoglobulins in whey: 

  • At 65°C, for 15 seconds, 40% ofthese substances are lost.
  • At 85°C, for 30 seconds, 77% of these substances are lost.
  • Ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization (138–150°C) breaks down even more of these substances. 


Claims about whey protein powders are often full of misleading information. Now you know how to see through them. Especially raw whey protein powder is full of valuable substances. The process to produce this requires a series of specific steps. Raw whey protein powder is the unicorn. However, providers of raw whey protein powder are hard to find.  

The best alternative? An organic whey protein concentrate from 100% grass-fed cows that has been briefly processed at a low temperature, without irradiation. NoordCode Organic Pure Whey Protein meets all these characteristics!


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