Privacy Policy


NoordCode respects the privacy of all users and ensures that the personal information you provide is confidential. We use your information to process orders as quickly and easily as possible. For the rest, we will use this information only with your permission. NoordCode will not sell your personal information to third parties and will only make them available to third parties that are involved in processing your order.

Data Controller

This website is owned by NoordCode. NoordCode is responsible for and controls the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”).

For further questions please contact our data controller:

Eduard de Wilde
Store Manager

Contact details

Loopkandstraat 25
5405 AC Uden
The Netherlands


We use this privacy statement to explain how we handle your personal data. We will explain, among other things, how we collect your data, which statutory grounds exist for this collection, and which rights you have.

We can amend our privacy statement at any time. For this reason, we recommend you consult this privacy statement regularly. The current privacy statement was last revised on May 30th 2024.

2. Statutory grounds

The processing of your data is based on the following statutory grounds:

  • Permission of the person/visitor for the processing of his/her personal data. The data subject has the right to revoke his/her permission at any time without this affecting the legitimacy of the processing before the permission was revoked;
  • The processing is necessary to execute the agreement;
  • The processing is necessary to comply with the statutory obligations imposed on Brickmeetsbyte;
  • The processing is necessary in relation to the following legitimate interest of NoordCode: marketing interest.

3. Reasons for the processing of personal data

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • We collect the following data from you on the website:
    • Name, address, location;
    • Contact details;
    • Email addresses;
    • Payment details;
    • Location details;
    • IP addresses;
    • Time zone;
    • Website activities;
    • Browsing behaviour on various websites;
    • Internet browser and device type.
  • Your personal data will be used for:
    • The conclusion of the Agreement;
    • Performing the work/services;
    • Providing information about the ordered products;
    • Sending a newsletter upon request;
    • Sending targeted advertisements and marketing messages that may align with the interests of the Customer;
    • Placing a comment on the website;
    • Personalising the website;
    • Recording information on how visitors use the website;
    • Developing and improving the website;
    • Sending a feedback tool;
    • Announcing prize winners;
    • Measuring the responses to marketing campaigns.

4. Retention periods

We will not keep the personal data any longer than necessary for the purposes set out above. The personal data will be kept until the Customer indicates that he/she no longer wants to make use of the offered services.

5. Links to other websites

This privacy statement applies exclusively to our website.

Our website may contain links to other websites not managed and/or owned by us. If you visit another website by clicking on such a link, the privacy statement of that website will apply. We are in no way liable or responsible for this website or for the privacy statement on this website. We recommend you study the privacy statement carefully when visiting this website before continuing to use it.

6. Sharing personal data with other parties

Your personal data will also be processed by companies we engage for the execution of the agreement or companies that perform work for us in another manner. These companies are called ‘processors’ in legislation. The processors act under our responsibility and may not use your personal data for their own purposes. Nor may they carry out their own processing activities with respect to your personal data. Examples are the following processors:

  1. The web hosting company managing and taking care of the website (Shopify);
  2. Webshop software & payment processes (Shopify);
  3. Email service provider (Gmail);
  4. Reviews (Yotpo);
  5. Invoicing and bookkeeping (Exact Online);
  6. Customer service (Gorgias);
  7. Loyalty programme (Yotpo);
  8. Website usage analyses (Hotjar);
  9. Web analysis service (Google Analytics);
  10. Conversion tracking (Google Ads);
  11. Tracking (Google Tag Manager);
  12. Advertising service (Facebook Audience Network);
  13. Advertising service (LinkedIn Ads);
  14. Advanced matching search (Facebook Advanced Matching);
  15. Custom audiences on Facebook (Custom Audience);
  16. Remarketing and behaviour-targeted advertising (Google Ad Manager Audience Extension, Remarketing in Google Ads, Remarketing with Google Analytics, and LinkedIn Website Retargeting);
  17. Logistics partners (Monta);
  18. Displaying targeted search results (YouTube);
  19. Sending newsletters, product purchase-related emails, and handling marketing-related emails (Klaviyo);
  20. Affiliates (GoaffPro).

Your personal data will also be shared with third parties if we are required to share your personal data with competent bodies based on legal provisions or a court ruling.

7. Marketing

If you always want to be the first to know about our attractive promotions and offers, get inspired, receive tips or discover special products, you can subscribe to LiveHelfi's newsletter. We register your e-mail address for this purpose.

We use email and targeted online advertising to send you product and service updates, promotional offers and other marketing communications based on the information we collect about you, such as your email address, general location, purchases and website browsing history.

Every newsletter you receive from us includes the option to unsubscribe.

8. Automated decision-making

We make use of automated decision-making (including profiling). In case of automated decision-making, personal data are processed in an automated manner without human involvement. A computer will take a decision in this case.

Profiling is part of automated processing. In this respect, decisions are taken based on the profile (personal aspects) of a person.

In case of automated decision-making without profiling, personal aspects are not considered during the assessment or prediction.

9. Security

We have taken technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data against loss or unauthorised processing. Our website has an SSL certificate, which ensures that the data are transmitted using a secure connection.

Your personal data will be kept on servers inside and outside the Netherlands, specifically in Europe, the United States, and Canada.

10. Your privacy rights

You have a number of rights based on the General Data Protection Regulation. You have the right to access, correct, remove, or obtain limitation of the processing of your data.

In certain circumstances, you also have the right to portability of data and the right of objection. The website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority contains more information about when you can exercise one or more of this/these right(s).

If you create an account on our website, you can access and change the data you have provided yourself.

If you wish to exercise one or more of this/these right(s), or if you have questions about this privacy statement, you can contact us by sending an email to our customer service.

Besides the rights set out above, you will always have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

11. Cookies