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Calanus Oil vs Fish Oil vs Krill Oil vs Cod Liver Oil

In this blog, we will compare Calanus oil with other omega-3 sources available as supplements on the market.

What is Calanus finmarchicus | Calanus oil versus (concentrated) fish oil | Calanus oil versus Krill oil | Calanus oil versus cod liver oil | Take away

From fish oil to krill oil, cod liver oil, and even plant-based options like algal oil, omega-3 fatty acids come in many supplement forms. Calanus oil offers a complete, stable and bioavailable source of omega-3s. It checked all the boxes when sourcing for our Ultimate Omega Formula's highly absorbable, non-polluted, and nonoxidized omega sources.

What is Calanus finmarchicus

Calanus finmarchicus (Calanus for short) is an animal plankton found in the cold waters of the North Sea, Norwegian Sea, and northern Atlantic Ocean. This small copepod, measuring about 3 mm, feeds mainly on phytoplankton. Calanus itself serves as an essential food source for various marine animals, including whales and fish such as herring and cod. This makes it a crucial link in the ocean food chain, where it is abundant.

Oil with a full spectrum of marine fatty acids

With 40+ different fatty acids, Calanus oil is more than an omega-3 supplement; it is an enrichment for any diet. Diversity is the foundation of balanced nutrition, with a wide range of nutrients contributing to optimal well-being. The oil contains a balanced mix of fatty acids: 15% monounsaturated, 24% polyunsaturated, and 16% saturated.

Like high-quality olive oil, Calanus oil is close to its natural source. Thanks to minimal processing, the intrinsic benefits of the product are preserved, making it ready for use.


Better omega-3 stability and absorption as wax esters

Calanus finmarchicus stores fatty acids in wax esters. In this process, a fatty acid is bound to a policosanol, which together form a single chain. Fatty acids in wax esters are less susceptible to oxidation than fatty acids in triglyceride or phospholipid form. In addition, the omega-3 fats in wax esters also appear to be more absorbable. Better stability and absorption are excellent pluses for any omega-3 oil.

1.8 mg astaxanthin as a natural preservative

Astaxanthin is a hugely versatile compound and serves, among other things, as a natural preservative in Calanus oil. The presence of astaxanthin is one of the main points of interest for krill oil. Two capsules of Ultimate Omega Formula contain 1.8 mg of astaxanthin. This is a very respectable dosage and 18x as much as in an average krill oil.

Interesting fats in Calanus oil: Policosanols and the omega-3 SDA

Calanus oil offers diverse fats, including EPA, DHA and astaxanthin. After these beneficial fats, SDA and policosanols stand out as compounds of interest.

Stearidonic acid (SDA) is a relatively unknown omega-3 fatty acid. SDA is a intermediate step in the conversion of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA to EPA.

Per two capsules, Ultimate Omega Formula contains:

  • 69 mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • 51 mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  • 74 mg stearidonic acid (SDA)

This gives Calanus oil a broader omega-3 profile than other omega-3 oils, in which SDA occurs little to no at all.

Policosanols, a type of fatty alcohol, are mainly found in plant sources such as seeds, nuts, and leaves. With 40% policosanols, Calanus oil is the first marine source and is likely to provide similar benefits.


Calanus oil versus (concentrated) fish oil

Fish oil has long been considered the gold standard for omega-3 supplements. Its concentrations can reach 95% of omega-3 fatty acids, mainly in triglyceride form. Its wealth of research and high dosages make it a popular choice.

Despite not competing with highly concentrated fish oils in terms of pure omega-3 content, Calanus oil stands out for:


Improved Absorption

Research shows that EPA from Calanus oil is absorbed almost twice as efficiently as EPA from fish oil, indicating a significant advantage in how the body uses the omega-3 fatty acids.


Calanus oil's unique wax ester structure provides natural protection against oxidation, making the fatty acids more stable than the triglyceride-bound omega-3s in fish oil.

Broad-Spectrum Benefits

Calanus oil, unlike concentrated fish oils, provides a wide range of fatty acids, not just EPA and DHA. This broad-spectrum approach provides benefits beyond the traditional omega-3 focus.

Calanus oil versus Krill oil

Krill oil is often chosen for its phospholipid form of omega-3 fatty acids, the krill fishery's sustainability, and astaxanthin's natural presence. Before Calanus oil entered the market, krill oil was indeed a leader in these areas. However, Calanus oil has raised the bar and offers improvements in each of these areas.

A more beneficial form of omega-3

Calanus oil contains wax esters, ensuring efficient absorption and offering a unique absorption profile. Triglyceride and phospholipid omega-3 fats from fish and krill oil are absorbed in the small intestine. The absorption of wax ester-bound omega-3 fatty acids takes place in the large intestine, allowing the fatty acids to affect the colon wall directly. Research shows that this provides unique benefits that other omega-3 supplements cannot match because they simply do not reach the colon.

More sustainable fishing

Calanus finmarchicus enjoys a higher biomass than krill and an exceptionally high reproductive rate compared to fish and krill. The harvest of Calanus is relatively small, making the fishery extremely sustainable. As a result, Calanus oil exceeds even the 'highly sustainable' krill fishery.

18x more astaxanthin

A direct comparison with the astaxanthin content in average krill oil products shows that Calanus oil contains up to 18 times more astaxanthin. Where an average krill oil provides 0.1 mg of astaxanthin, you will see as much as 1.8 mg of astaxanthin in the same serving of Calanus oil.

Calanus oil versus cod liver oil

Of all the omega-3 supplements, Calanus oil is the most similar to cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is the natural oil extracted from cod liver. People choose cod liver oil as a combination product that provides multiple nutrients, including broad-spectrum omega-3 fats, vitamin A and vitamin D.

Minimal processing for a natural product

Calanus oil and extra virgin cod liver oil are produced very similarly. Both are extracted directly from the animal product with minimal processing and heating. So, these are both natural oils, as nature made them, with a broad nutritional profile.

Difference in composition

The main difference is in the composition of the oils and the nutrients it contains. In cod liver oil, vitamins A and D are the most notable. In Calanus oil, the type of fat (wax esters) and astaxanthin are the biggest peculiarities.

Both offer a broad spectrum of fats, including omega-3s. In cod liver oil, these omega-3s are bound to triglycerides and thus more susceptible to oxidation than the Calanus wax ester omega-3s.


Complementary in use

Cod liver oil and Calanus oil differ enough that you don't have to choose: you can use them together. A varied dietary intake provides a broad spectrum of essential nutrients as well as beneficial compounds that contribute to health. With high-quality oils derived from the sea, such as cod liver oil and Calanus oil, you've made a good choice in that anyway.

Take away

If you are looking for a bioavailable, complete omega-3 supplement and are concerned about oxidation and contamination, NoordCode's Ultimate Omega Formula is for you. It has a unique broad-spectrum lipid profile and is naturally high in astaxanthin. Because it is so little processed and contains no additives, it is the closest thing to eating fresh fish compared to other omega-3 supplements.

From a sustainable and ethical point of view, it meets all requirements. Not only is NoordCode Ultimate Omega Friends of the Sea certified, but the zooplankton's low position in the food chain and its ability to regenerate itself every year make it an environmentally and ethically responsible omega-3 source.


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