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Magnesium Supplements: What You Need to Know

In this blog post, you will learn everything about magnesium. From how much you need to the ins and outs of magnesium supplementation.

Magnesium rich foods  |  How much magnesium do I need?  |  Why supplement with magnesium?  |  How to take Magnesium for optimal absorption?  |  How to find a good magnesium supplement


Magnesium is also called the master mineral. It is needed for literally everything in the body. It strengthens bones and ensures that your nerves can function properly. If you suffer from headaches, muscle cramps or lack energy, you may lack magnesium. Modern agricultural practices have depleted magnesium levels in the soil, reducing its availability in our food. Consequently, a significant portion of the population may not get enough magnesium from their diet alone, with estimates suggesting that 50% of people might be deficient​. [*], [*]

Magnesium-rich foods

So, which foods still contain meaningful amounts of magnesium? These are: 

Pumpkin Seeds – 100g = 534mg

Sesame Seeds – 100g = 351mg

Brazil Nuts – 100g = 376mg

Dark Chocolate – 100g = 327mg

Almonds – 100g = 268mg

Black Beans – 100g = 160mg

Mackerel – 100g = 97mg

Dark Leafy Greens – 100g = 79mg

White Beans – 100g = 53mg

Bananas – 100g = 27mg

Source: USDA National Nutrient Database


How much magnesium do I need?

In adults, the RDA for magnesium in Europe is 350 mg daily for men and 300 mg for women. [*]

High-dose magnesium supplements are more popular than ever. However, according to nutritionist Chris Masterjohn, PhD, they should be used with caution. Chris: “Most people shouldn't be supplementing with high doses of magnesium. [...] I think there's way too many people throwing really high doses of magnesium into their system.” [*]

So, what is the sweet spot? If you haven't done a lab test, you shouldn't take more than 300 mg without knowing your magnesium status. If you have done a magnesium test and your magnesium levels are low, you can temporarily increase your dosage until it is ideal and continue with a maximum of 300 mg per day. [*


Why supplement with magnesium?

If you're not getting the RDA on a consistent basis, meaning eating large amounts of pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts and dark chocolate every day, it's smart to supplement.

Secondly, a lot of stress and a high sugar intake lead to a higher magnesium requirement. Either you need to address that first or supplement during a stressful period. [*]

Magnesium forms

There is no such thing as just one magnesium. There are different forms (more than 17!) of this mineral, each playing a different role in your body. Let's take a closer look at 12 popular forms of magnesium. Because they are not all created equal. 

Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is one of the most commonly used forms of magnesium in supplements. It is inexpensive and is quite easily absorbed by the body. It has a laxative effect [*], which can be pleasant if you suffer from constipation. In fact, magnesium citrate is used by the hospital to clean out the colon before a colonoscopy. [*

Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium oxide is the second form often used in supplements because it is cheap. It is used to treat acid reflux. It also acts as a laxative. However, its bioavailability is very low - less than 5% - so it is better to skip this one. [*], [*

Magnesium Malate

Magnesium malate is absorbed very slowly, with more of a sustained release. Therefore, it does not have a laxative effect. It is powerful in the energy cycle and works best against chronic fatigue syndrome. Conversely, it can also give you a relaxing effect. So you can take Malate both in the morning for energy and in the evening for relaxation. Moreover, you can use it during the day to combat stress and anxiety. [*] 

Magnesium Orotate/Taurate

Magnesium orotate and taurate fall into the same category. Taurate is chelated, whereas orotate is not. Chelated magnesium (or any other mineral) means that it is bound to an amino acid or organic acid to enhance absorption. Magnesium taurate is bound to the amino acid form taurate, so it is already bioavailable to the body. [*], [*]

You can find magnesium orotate in American formulas, but magnesium orotate is not permitted in the European Union. 

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate (the official name is bisglycinate) is magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine. Glycine has a calming effect of its own and is often recommended to be taken at night to sleep. So, you can imagine that magnesium glycinate has the same calming effect. It has no laxative effect because it is absorbed through the intestinal wall. It is considered an ideal form and often recommended by doctors. Though it is a very expensive option. [*], [*] 

Magnesium Glycerophosphate

Magnesium glycerophosphate is a form not often seen in supplements, which is a pity. It is a combined source of magnesium and phosphorus, with a 12.5% higher elemental magnesium content than other forms.

In a 2019 study testing the bioavailability of magnesium supplements, it was found to be one of the best-absorbed magnesium supplements, even when formulated with the worst absorbable form: magnesium oxide. [*

Magnesium Hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide is an ocean-derived, natural form of magnesium hydroxide. It is extracted from seawater off the coast of Iceland, which is the cleanest water in that area. In addition to magnesium, the seawater contains important cofactors and trace elements.

A study done in 2018 with magnesium hydroxide showed that it was much more bioavailable than magnesium oxide and similar in bioavailability to magnesium citrate. It also showed that it can provide additional health benefits given its multi-mineral profile. [*

Magnesium L-Threonate

Magnesium L- threonate is primarily a source of threonate and helps with cognition. However, it does not contain that much magnesium and, therefore, cannot be counted as a magnesium source. On top of that, it is not allowed in Europe to use Magnesium L-threonate in supplements. [*

Other forms of magnesium

  • Magnesium chloride is highly bioavailable and can be used topically or orally. [*]
  • Magnesium lactate is gentler on the stomach, making it more suitable for long-term use at moderate doses. It may also help reduce mental stress. [*]
  • Magnesium sulfate is used for epsom salt baths. [*

By now, you understand that different forms of magnesium act on different pathways in the body, which is why it is so important to use a supplement that contains multiple forms of magnesium.

How to take Magnesium for optimal absorption?

  • Take away from coffee.
    Coffee depletes certain nutrients, including magnesium. [*
  • Take away from fat.
    Fat binds with magnesium, so magnesium is depleted in the blood. [*]

Assuming you drink coffee in the morning and stop eating around 7 pm, magnesium is best taken on an empty stomach one or two hours before bedtime.

Apart from absorption, there are more advantages to taking magnesium in the evening. Magnesium is needed to activate vitamin B6, which helps convert serotonin into the sleep hormone melatonin. In addition, magnesium provides mental balance - which can indirectly help you fall asleep. [*], [*]

How to find a good magnesium supplement

  • First and foremost, always avoid proprietary blends. With a proprietary blend, knowing the exact amounts used in the formula is impossible. A 500 mg capsule may contain 7 different ingredients, but without knowing the exact quantities, a single (and probably the most inexpensive) ingredient may make up 494 mg of the formula, while the other 6 ingredients each contain only 1 mg. [*

  • The worst magnesium supplements contain magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate, and magnesium chloride. [*]

  • A well-formulated supplement contains B6 and/or other B vitamins for optimal absorption. This is because B6 works together with magnesium. P5P, the active form of B6, is especially involved in absorption. Both magnesium and vitamin B6 are needed for energy production. A deficiency in one of them causes many problems where the body depends on magnesium and B6, so it is important to get both. [*] Studies have also shown that magnesium combined with B6 can provide a meaningful benefit for people under stress. [*], [*]

  • Finally, choose a magnesium supplement that combines different forms of magnesium for different purposes. 

NoordCode Mag Six contains six forms of highly bioavailable magnesium, including citrate, malate, taurate, glycinate, glycerophosphate and hydroxide from sea minerals. These are the most absorbable forms of magnesium and are approved by the European Union. It is formulated with B6 to enhance the absorption of magnesium. More importantly, the composition of the formula is transparent. You know exactly how much magnesium each form contains. Finally, the recommended daily intake includes a safe dosage, so you can take it regularly without worrying about taking too much.


Composition Mag Six


Daily dosage

2 capsules

% RI

Magnesium, of which:

200 mg


# Magnesium (citrate)

100 mg


# Magnesium (malate)

20 mg


# Magnesium (taurate)

20 mg


# Magnesium (bisglycinate)

20 mg


# Magnesium (glycerophosphate)

20 mg


# Magnesium hydroxide from sea minerals (Aquamin TG)

20 mg


Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)

4 mg



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